Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Oh, Christmas Parties...

So, last night my friend, Sarah, hosted a Christmas party at her place. The night's guests were a mixture of some fellow ALTs, ALT friends and some Japanese friends. Like most Christmas parties, the party kinda got off to a crazy start, but once the alcohol came out, all things became jolly! (Side note, I motion that for future gatherings we must invest in Mexican tequila. Japanese tequila just doesn't pack the same punch.)

Anyway, I really enjoyed the キス game! More on that later! ;<)


  1. yeah!!! japanese tequila is not good dude!

    and last night rocked my boxes. it was the best pre christmas eve ever. (this sentence just confused teej ahaha)

    celeste! i cannot wait for the party at daisukes house! ahaha. awesome times.

  2. how come we didn't have Japanese tequila last year? i'm sad. will have to come back to have Japanese tequila.
